Kongregate has partnered with Cartoon Network, the #1 animated series network in the U.S., and game developer Juicy Beast to announce The Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania, a spectacular launcher game by the renowned indie devs behind Burrito Bison: Launcha Libre. Set to launch later this year, the game combines the polish and style one associates with Juicy Beast’s games with the incredible charm of Cartoon Network’s The Powerpuff Girls.
Mojo Jojo is up to no good again, this time harnessing his wicked Chemical-Xtractor to steal the Powerpuff Girls’ powers and use them to generate a massive army of evil gummy monkeys. Despite losing their powers, the Powerpuff Girls must fight back against this new gummy menace in addition to the villains that are now wreaking havoc in Townsville.
"The Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania is such an incredible pairing of characters, gameplay, and developer," said Kongregate's Director of Publishing Peter Eykemans. "Juicy Beast has a way with creating whimsical and funny worlds that pairs incredibly well with the Powerpuff Girls universe. Giving them the keys to the kingdom allowed them to really bring the girls and the villains to life. We're very happy with how The Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania is coming together and are excited to get it in the hands of fans."
The Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania builds on Juicy Beast’s previous games to deliver an action-packed and simply delightful experience. Players will find themselves encountering characters spanning the entirety of Cartoon Network’s popular series, with plenty of deep cuts for diehard fans of the show. With four playable characters, dozens of upgrades, a host of insidious villains to smash, and thousands of monkey minions to stomp, The Powerpuff Girls: Monkey Mania has no shortage of exciting things to do.
“The Powerpuff Girls universe has been a real playground for us,” said Juicy Beast co-founder Yowan Langlais. “We've had a lot of fun digging deep into the lore, imagining fun new roles for a wide variety of characters.”